Hold status terms and definitions

Every time you request an item for pick up, you will see in your account the format and title of the item, the pickup location you designated, and the status of the request. The following statuses are common listings:

  • Waiting - Your request for the item is active, but the item is checked out. The pickup location will receive the item when it is available.
  • Frozen - A request for an item in the library system has an activation date in the future; for an interlibrary loan item, the library must review the request before it can be sent.
  • Pending - Your request for the item is active, and it is potentially available in one of our branches. Staff will work to locate the item for you. You will be notified when it is available for pick up.
  • Ready for pickup - The item you requested has been located. The library notifies you that it is available for pick-up.
  • Out - The item has been checked out. When you return the item, the request is deleted.
  • Shipped - An item was located at a branch other than the pickup location and is being shipped to the pickup location.
  • Received - An interlibrary loan item you requested is available for pick up.
  • Canceled - The request has been canceled.


  • Last Updated Nov 08, 2024
  • Views 226
  • Answered By Rebecca Splain

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