Could the library order a book or other item that is not in the collection?


Items not in our catalog may be available to borrow from another library system. SCCCL primarily uses two systems called MOBIUS and Prospector. MOBIUS is a consortium of 80 member libraries from Missouri and some surrounding states. Through MOBIUS, you can request from a catalog of over 29 million items from MOBIUS libraries, and an additional 30 million items from Colorado libraries (via Prospector). On occasion, SCCCL uses our backup system, WorldCat, to request interlibrary loans, if the items cannot be found in MOBIUS or Prospector.

This link includes details about MOBIUS, Prospector, and Interlibrary Loan.

After searching (1) the Library catalog, (2) Mobius, (3) Prospector, and (4) WorldCat, if you still can't find what you are looking for, you may suggest a title for purchase. Purchasing books by popular authors and popular movies are part of the library's regular selection practices. There is no need to complete a purchase suggestion for this type of material.

Service Interruption:

Patrons will be unable to request from Prospector after January 12, 2024 while the MOBIUS consortium undergoes a software migration. Please utilize Mobius then WorldCat to find materials from another library system. 

  • Last Updated Feb 08, 2024
  • Views 233
  • Answered By Laura Woike

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