How old must my child be to get a library card of his/her own?


Individuals under the age of 18 (minors) need permission from a legal guardian to obtain a Library card. In granting permission, the legal guardian acknowledges that all materials of the Library will be available to the minor. The legal guardian assumes responsibility for items, fees, and use of the minor’s Library card. If the parent or legal guardian wishes to limit access to certain Library materials, they may do so by having the minor use their “adult” Library card. If a minor already has a Library card, and the parent wishes to restrict access, the parent can visit any branch or fill out the online form to have the minor’s Library card revoked.

Appropriate identification of the parent or guardian is required and applicants aged from birth through 17 years old must be present when registering for a Library card.

A Library card may be issued without a parent/guardian only if it is issued through a school program and the Library has an agreement with the school or district relating to parent consent and/or opt out. This card category is Student ID.

You may register for a card in person or online - click here to access our online registration form.

For more details about library cards, visit our website.

  • Last Updated Aug 02, 2023
  • Views 7071
  • Answered By Laura Woike

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